Southern California Kerk의대의 연구팀은 골수종, 혈액암, 교아종, 악성 뇌종양 등에 항암제로 사용되는 bortezomib과 녹차 성분과의 관계를 조사했다.
항암 치료에 흔히 쓰이는 bortezomib는 일반적으로 종양 세포를 죽게 만들어 항암 효과를 발휘하지만
[사진, 녹차 마실 때 사용하는 옹기다관]
Kerk의대 연구팀은 녹차의 폴리페놀 성분이 bortezomib이 암 세포를 죽이는 것을 방해한다는 것을 발견했다. 연구팀은 이번 결과는 폴리페놀이 잠재적으로 bortezomib의 치료효능을 무능화 시킬 수 있다는 것을 의미하며 이번 연구 결과 만으로 bortezomib 항암 치료를 받고 있는 사람들은 녹차의 섭취를 당장 그만둬야 할 충분한 근거가 된다고 밝혔다.
그러나, 연구팀은 이번 연구 결과는 bortezomib 항암 치료를 받는 사람들에게만 해당되는 것으로, 다른 항암 치료를 받는 사람들은 녹차의 섭취를 중단할 필요가 없다고 강조했다.
녹차는 다른 일부 항암제의 효능을 오히려 높이기도 하는 것으로 알려져 있기 때문이다.
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)
"We know that cancer patients look to green tea extracts among other natural supplements to complement their therapeutic regimens," Dr. Axel Schonthal, said in a statement. "We wanted to better understand how the compounds in green tea interact with a cytotoxic chemical therapy and how that may affect patient outcomes."
In lab studies, Schonthal, from the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, and colleagues evaluated the impact of green tea compounds on the efficacy of bortezomib against multiple myeloma, a blood cancer, and glioblastoma, a malignant brain tumor.
Bortezomib normally fights cancer by inducing tumor cell death. However, Schonthal and colleagues were surprised to find that some of the green tea polyphenols and other components actually prevented bortezomib from killing tumor cells.
"Our surprising results indicate that green tea polyphenols may have the potential to negate the therapeutic efficacy of bortezomib," Schonthal said.
"The current evidence," Schonthal said, "is sufficient enough to strongly urge patients undergoing bortezomib therapy to abstain from consuming green tea products, particularly the widely available, highly concentrated green tea and EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) products that are sold in liquid or capsule form."
The findings of this study, the investigators emphasize, are specific for patients taking bortezomib as opposed to any other common cancer drug.
"Although the study has exposed detrimental effects of great tea in specific combination with Velcade, this should not minimize the previously reported potentially beneficial effect of this herb," Schonthal said. "Related studies with other types of cancer therapies are promising and green tea extract may actually improve the anticancer effects of other drugs."
SOURCE: Blood, online February 3, 2009.
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